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Facilities Engineer


Stavanger, Norwegen
Frühestmöglicher Zeitpunkt
Lokaler Vertrag

Facilities Engineering

Application deadline: 16-Sep-2024

Was Sie erwartet

What you can expect
Was Sie erwartet - Text

  • Provide cost estimation services to WINO business units like Business Development, Exploration, Development and Production Operations, and other Opcos when required.
  • Provide cost estimates for WINO operated and non-operated development projects.
  • Provide development concepts, project execution plans and cost estimates for exploration prospects, Drill & Drop decisions, applications for new exploration area etc.
  • Review of development concepts, project execution plans for prospect assessment and license rounds, and provide cost estimates in farm-in/farm-out projects.
  • Participate in WINO operated development, modification and abandonment projects
  • Yearly update of cost estimate for abandonment cost for operated/non-operated fields
  • Yearly update of insurance development cases for operated fields
  • Update and maintain internal estimation tools & norm sets.
  • Identify weaknesses in applied estimation tools and methodology, and identify opportunities in development of tools and methodology
  • Collect and analyse experience data from performed operated and non-operated projects
  • Participate in external network groups related to cost estimation, benchmarking and experience selection
  • Assist in cost risk analyses
  • Support WINO Management System processes
  • Input to the local Skill Networks within Facility Engineering and ensure participation in the Global Skill Networks

Was wir erwarten

What we expect

Was wir erwarten


  • Master degree within a relevant engineering/facility/cost estimation subjects
  • Minimum 10-15 years relevant experience from facility, front end studies, engineering and cost estimation in Service and/or Operator Companies.


  • Creative, open, responsible, systematic and entrepreneurial
  • Extensive knowledge and competence within multiple E&P disciplines
  • Extensive knowledge within cost estimation, cost estimation tools & estimations methods
  • Understanding and knowledge of maintenance processes
  • Good knowledge within technical IT-landscape
  • Ability to identify and quantify Facility Engineering influence on main risks and uncertainties across the E&P value chain from early phase development screening to abandonment
  • Have a proactive mind set and work style which can influence others
  • Well-developed interpersonal skills; results-oriented team player and excellent communication skills


  • Fluent in English (oral and written), Norwegian is an advantage


  • Accountable for HSE results and continuous improvement for the project responsibility area
  • Fully committed to company HSEQ policy, principles and quality requirements
  • Act in accordance with company ethical guidelines and code of conduct

Note: As a part of our routines background checks will be performed, with consent from relevant candidates.

Was wir bieten

We offer
We offer (external)

  • Exciting tasks with a high degree of responsibility in a dynamic working environment
  • Being part of a dedicated, competent service-oriented team, responsible for the growth of Wintershall Dea
  • Work & Life service which provides advice and support in all matters affecting work, family and health
  • Global career opportunities and attractive remuneration packages

Wer wir sind

Who we are
Wer wir sind - Text - Deutsch
Wintershall Dea ist ein in Europa führendes unabhängiges Erdgas- und Erdölunternehmen mit mehr als 120 Jahren Erfahrung als Betriebsführer und Projektpartner entlang der gesamten E&P-Wertschöpfungskette. Das Unternehmen mit deutschen Wurzeln und Sitz in Kassel und Hamburg sucht und fördert in 11 Ländern weltweit Gas und Öl auf effiziente und verantwortungsvolle Weise. Mit Aktivitäten in Europa, Lateinamerika und der MENA-Region (Middle East & North Africa) verfügt Wintershall Dea über ein weltweites Upstream-Portfolio und ist mit Beteiligungen im Erdgastransport zudem im Midstream-Geschäft aktiv. Und wir entwickeln Lösungen für Kohlenstoffmanagement und kohlenstoffarmen Wasserstoff, um die Klimaziele zu erreichen und die Energieversorgung zu sichern. Mehr in unserem Geschäftsbericht.
Wintershall Dea ist 2019 aus der Fusion der Wintershall Holding GmbH und der DEA Deutsche Erdoel AG hervorgegangen. Heute beschäftigt das Unternehmen über 2.000 Mitarbeitende aus nahezu 60 Nationen.
Kontakt: Kristin Larsen 97100443

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Vollzeit, Unbefristet

Veröffentlicht am 04.09.2024

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